Friday, November 25, 2011

Physical Education Philosophy

            Physical Education is one of the most important components of a student’s school day. Physical education teaches students how to move properly, how to stay active outside of the school day as well as things they can do to be physically fit their entire lives. Physical education also incorporates history about different sports and sport skills it is not just getting students in the gymnasium and rolling the students a ball and saying go play. There is so much more behind teaching students to be physically educated individuals. We as physical educators need to make what we are teaching the students something fun and interesting, we need to continually grow and change based on the changing times as well as the prior lessons that we teach, from what worked to what did not work. Physically educated individuals are not only learning the physical component of how to perform the skill, but why the skill or activity is important and where and how we can perform the skill outside of the classroom in our daily lives.

            The ideal Physical education program would include many things. Some of these things would be teachers that are excited to teach different activities and skills, teachers that are willing to work together with all other teachers and school personnel to make sure that the students are successful. There would be Top-down planning and previous set scope and sequence prior to the years start, so that the teachers will all be on the same page. There will be communication between the teachers and the parents of the students, so they know what the students are doing and how their students can succeed. There would be an ever changing curriculum in the physical education classroom, based on past experiences of teaching lessons as well as what the new interests are of the students. The teachers themselves would be educated in what they are teaching and the teachers would want to know as much as possible about their students and their abilities to succeed. Overall, an ideal physical education program would include communication with others as well as students moving 95% of the time in the gymnasium setting. Getting students moving and active is an important concept, getting students physically educated and showing students what they can do now and later in life.

            Physical education is so important not only in a student’s life but everyone’s life. We as physical educators have a great impact on students to become physically educated individuals at a young age, we need to take advantage of this opportunity and run with it, do what we know how to do and help those individuals to succeed in being physically educated.

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